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Harry Ven
Aug 1, 20233 min read
Can AI's mimic human cognition?
What aspects of human cognition will be difficult for advanced AIs to imitate in the coming decades

Harry Ven
Nov 22, 20223 min read
Can parents become toxic?
‘But he’s your father’ ‘Your mother has done so many things for you’‘ ‘You are turning your back on your parents who have sacrificed so...

Harry Ven
Nov 1, 20222 min read
Shirking responsibility in the name of radical candor
There's this disturbing behaviour that's been evolving with the new wave of hiring managers and founders.

Harry Ven
Sep 7, 20229 min read
The ultimate guide to becoming a behavior expert
Introduction The world around us is constantly changing, and it's only getting more complex. As our lives become busier and we have less...

Harry Ven
Aug 31, 202212 min read
The ultimate guide to breaking impulsive behaviors
In this article, we'll explore impulsive behaviors: what causes them, how they affect our lives, and what we can do about them.

Kavya Patnaik
Jul 20, 20227 min read
I lost a loved one. What to do now ?
This article will help you understand what happens when you lose someone, what you can do about your emotions, and how to navigate grief

Kavya Patnaik
Jul 14, 202218 min read
The ultimate guide to heal your inner child
In this guide, we talk in detail about what is an inner child, the role it plays in our emotions and impulsive behavior, and how we can navi

Kavya Patnaik
Jun 28, 202218 min read
The ultimate guide to breaking social media addiction
In this guide, we identify aspects of social media addiction including current research, why it occurs and how to break the addiction.

Harry Ven
Jun 21, 20222 min read
The grave politics of usefulness
We all want our work to be valuable. And by valuable we mean useful. And by useful we mean that there should be a beneficiary. And if...

Harry Ven
Jun 19, 20221 min read
Consciousness is an awareness of existence, not the creator of it
Being conscious of a desire or intent is always considered to be the first point in our drive to achieve them. You have a desire for...

Harry Ven
Jun 16, 20222 min read
Future is a curve in your mind, you are just not able to see it yet
When people think about the future or imagine what the futuristic world will be like, we usually have a totally different picture than...

Harry Ven
Jun 14, 20221 min read
Why does stress give you a headache?
My mom complains of backache whenever she gets stressed. For me, I find it hard to breathe. I later realized that I hold my body so tight...

Harry Ven
Jun 13, 20221 min read
Why success mantras don’t work?
The thing you chasing is also chasing you — Rumi, Sufi Saint We take the wisdom, and success stories of other people and turn them into...

Harry Ven
Jun 12, 20222 min read
Our ability to exploit is what’s pushing us away from our dreams
Intent exists to solve for our deepest desires. It’s the energy that pushes us to go search for that unexplainable thing in our world....

Harry Ven
Jun 11, 20221 min read
You can never satisfy a critic
You can never satisfy a critic. No matter what you do, a critic always has his viewpoints. “That could have been done better” or “This...

Harry Ven
Apr 19, 20225 min read
The truth about work and leisure that I realized after 38 years
Leisure — the opportunity afforded by free time to do something. PC - For those born in the latter...

Harry Ven
Apr 14, 20223 min read
Trauma — the biggest injustice that we don’t talk about
“When I see people around, I don’t see individuals..I see trauma” — Dr. Gabor Mate in the documentary ‘The Wisdom of Trauma’ PC —...

Harry Ven
Apr 13, 20222 min read
How do we grieve when we have no idea what we are grieving for?
Trauma is an intense feeling of lack of safety that individuals feel every day. It’s the response to this “lack of safety” is what we...

Harry Ven
Apr 12, 20222 min read
30 inner-self observations about Trauma
“Trauma is what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you” — Dr. Gabor Mate, author of Scattered Minds Trauma — an important...

Harry Ven
Mar 2, 20222 min read
My struggle with psychotherapy as a panacea for Mental Health
Mental health challenges as we speak of today, are modeled based on original conditions that mental health care was created for. An...

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